Short description

The project will improve the connection between regional stakeholders through establishment of regional partnership. That partnership is the base for future development of the regional labour market policies. Development of the regional network (partnership) will initiate making of development plans on the regional level, promote employment of the disadvantaged groups, support employers in Krapina Zagorje County through analysis of the needs for training for current and future employees, improve the connection among educational and business sector and all that with the aim of improving the situation on the regional labour market.

Key labour market stakeholders have to strengthen their abilities in movement tracking and recognizing labour market needs through mutual cooperation and partnership, as well as build active communication among partners and with employers in the view of knowing and recognizing their needs.

Hrvatski zavod za zapošljavanje Zagorska razvojna agencija Hrvatski zavod za zapošljavanje, Područni ured Krapina

Krapinsko-zagorska županija Hrvatska gospodarska komora Županijska komora Krapina Obrtnička komora
Krapinsko-zagorske županije
Sadržaj ove publikacije isključiva je odgovornost Zagorske razvojne agencije za promicanje regionalnog razvoja.
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